Preparing to remodel your home is usually not an overnight decision. As previously stated, we had wanted to build for many years and did not. Because of that early desire we had already done a little planning.
Get Your Visuals Organized
This is easy. Get a notebook of paper (like a 5-subject notebook used in school). Get a roll of tape and start looking at magazines. Rip out anything that you think you might like and tape it in your notebook. We started ours several years ago, then quit, then pulled it out again. We now have two of them.
Your first clippings will be of anything you like. After you get a little more focused in your design you will start to clip pictures that are more focused toward your desired outcomes. For example, I found a picture recently of some wallpaper that had the exact colors in it that I was looking for for upstairs. I clipped it, taped it, and wrote a note next to it. That's important, too. Write on or near the picture what in the picture has attracted you.
Make a List
This is also easy. Write down what you think you must have. Write down what you might consider. The list can be changed whenever you want. It's a work in progress but helps clarify your desires.
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